Notice board

BFS IOA - AGM 2005
2 February 2005

BFS IOA AGM are getting close and we hope you and your company will join us in Barcelona and in our voting procedure. As you aware, not all member companies are always present at our annual general meetings, and we are now introducing a new and hopefully more convenient way for all member companies to cast their vote, via proxy (letter vote). READ MORE >>>

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BREAKING NEWS - BFS IOA comments recognized by FDA
7 October 2004

FDA recognize and adopt comments from BFS IOA on the new important aseptic processing guideline, where the BFS IOA has contributed with major input on the BFS section, Appendix 2. The ability to get togheter as industry users of BFS technology and help in forming the future guidelines is one of the core reasons for being a member of BFS IOA. Be certain that our Technical Officer, Eric Dewhurst will give all delegates at our upcoming Asian meeting in Goa, India Oct 28-29th the latest news and comments on this critical guidance for aseptic BFS processing. If you have not yet registered, please go into our homepage and enlist for this exciting meeting, taking place in the beautiful surroundings of Goa, India.

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