
BFS IOA membership is a company membership allowing each company to nominate unlimited number of employees to be registered as users of BFS IOA. Further, companies can send one or more representatives to each BFS IOA meeting. Standard membership is a regional membership covering America, Asia/Pacific or Europe. A regional member is able to join any meeting organized by BFS IOA.

Companies with global operations can apply for vendor membership that will cover all their global operations across all regions.

Membership fee

Annual membership fee for 2025 are as follows and covers the period from January 1 - December 31, 2025.

  • Operator membership (OEM/CMO, regional):                         EUR 1750,- / USD 1900,- (America, Asia/Pacific OR Europe)
  • Vendor membership (global):                                                 EUR 3500,- / USD 3800,-
  • BFS consultants (agents, consultants, service, regional)        EUR 1750,- / USD 1900,-

Limitation on meeting participation

Please download announcement on participant limitation valid from 2022.

Application forms

Please download below PDF or Word file to apply for membership 2025.

Please use below link to access form to apply for log-in to BFS IOA Extranet.