Notice board

Appendix 2 - comments sent to FDA from BFS IOA
15 March 2003

March 2003 - BFS IOA board members had the pleasure to meet with Mr. Friedman and Mrs. Uratani of FDA in New Orleans and Prague, respectively. Technical Officers of the BFS IOA presented the associations comments to Appendix 2 in New Orleans and Prague PDA meetings. Read more...

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Points to Consider - November 2002
14 November 2002

Members can now access the Points to Consider for Pharmaceutical B/F/S Manufacturing, document revision 2001/2002. We urge all members to read through the document and appendices until we meet at the AGM in New Orleans, where a voting to approve or not approve the document will take place. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact the Global Technical Officer of the BFS IOA. We look forward to meet with you all in New Orleans at the AGM.

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