Report from AGM’2016
Report from Officer of Operation
In 2015 BFS IOA had 70 member companies divides as follows:
- 54% Europe; 29% America; 17% Asia/Pacific
- 59% Operators (OEM+CMO); 41% vendors.
In 2014/2015 website was updated with better user functions. Bank was changed to larger bank with higher e-banking safety. Insurance was signed against e-fraud. New ERP system was taking into use.
Accounts 2015
Year loss of €14.926,- which is €12.184 better than budget for the year. Improved result was primarily due to large positive exchange rate adjustment due to increase of USD/EUR rate that worked in our favour. Presented Annual Report was approved.
Budget 2016
Member fees were increased from EUR 1500 to EUR 1750 for operator per continent and from EUR 3000 to EUR 3500 for vendors due to increased meeting costs. Presented budget was approved.
Board suggested to continue use of PCW in Næstved Denmark as Auditor for 2016. Nominated auditor was approved.
Vote on Board
Technical Officer and Officer of Operation positions were on vote. No nominations had been received. Board nominated following board members to be re-elected for another 2 year term.
- Technical Officer: Kevin Downey, TEVA, UK
- Officer of Operation: Jesper Laursen, MELITEK, Denmark.
Nominated candidates were re-elected!
Conclusion of AGM 2016.
Get Officer of Operation presentation from AGM 2016