Website update
The Member Forum at our website now is moved and features on the frontpage. It highlights the latest three discussions and show total number of comments making it easier to follow the discussions and reply.
We encourage you all to use the Member Forum to share your suggestions for future meeting topics and ask questions or give input on BFS technology relevant for other members.
Follow BFS IOA on Twitter and LinkedIn!
Besides our website, we have expanded our online presence and invite all our members to join us.
By following us on LinkedIn or Twitter, you can keep up-to-date with our events and as members you are welcome to interact with eachother through these two BFS IOA profiles.
If you would like to connect with us on Twitter, please search for @BFS_IOA.
To follow our company page at LinkedIn, please click here or search for BFS International Operators Association.
We also encourage you to join the BFS IOA LinkedIn group which is a closed forum for members only. This group will provide an opportunity for all members to expand your contacts and exchange information relating to the BFS technology. Please feel free to initiate and reply to discussions in this group.
If you’re not already a member of LinkedIn, the first step is to set up a LinkedIn account.
Once you have set up your account, please follow and join our group (BFS IOA) which is only for members.
We look forward to welcome you all on our new social media platforms and encourage your engagemant.
Please connect to:
BFS IOA @ Twitter: @BFS_IOA
BFS IOA @ LinkedIn: BFS IOA profile
BFS IOA Group @LinkedIn: BFS IOA group