BFS IOA Newsletter April 2009
BFS IOA European meeting and AGM 2009 in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany on March 31-April 1
We had an all time record turnout with 97 participants representing members from 5 continents at the meeting that was held in Schwäbisch Hall. Meeting on day one was held at Kocher-Plastik facility in Laufen where newest machine developments were presented. Further was a presentation given by validation team from Holopack on Smoke Studies/Air Flow Pattern for a Blow-Fill-Seal installation and Air quality in the Critical Area. On the second day the meeting featured tour at Holopack facility in Untergröningen. All the presentations from the meeting have now been published on BFS IOA website.
The AGM 2009 was held on April 1 and following matters were reported and votes on;
- Accounts 2008
- Budget 2009
- Auditor for accounts
- Vote on new board
See minutes from AGM for details on above matters.
BFS IOA website update
At AGM it was decided to update BFS IOA website with following new functions;
- Discussion forum
- Survey function
- Online meeting registrations
- Improved newsletter function
- Design update
We aim to have new website updated and completed by June 2009. More information will follow.
Coming 2009 events
The American BFS IAO meeting on October 5-6, initially planned for Mexico, have been moved to Chicago to enable larger US member participation at the meeting. Also in conjunction at the meeting there will be arranged plant tour to Lyondell Basell's plant in Morris (IL) where PE materials for BFS applications are produced. We hope to also organize plant tours to other companies in Chicago area.
The Asian/Pacific meeting November 26-27 is planned to be in India. The exact location is to be announced shortly. More information, see under events on BFS IOA website.
Stefan Sundström of AstraZeneca Sweden have obtained his Ph.D on "Some Observations on Airborne Particles in the Pharmaceutical Blow - Fill - Seal Environment" after his Licentiate seminar on April 6, 2009 at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Stefan has several times given presentations during his work on his progress results at BFS IOA meetings and we congratulate him on this achievement.
We like to thank all our current sponsors for their valued support. If your company is interested to become sponsor of BFS IOA, please contact us.