BFS IOA Annual General Meeting 2007 - Letter from Chairman
Dear BFS-member,
We are quickly approaching our Annual General Meeting on March 27-28th, to take place in the beautiful city of Antwerp, Belgium. As I am sure you have all heard by now, this meeting will be my last as chairman of the BFS IOA. I would like to extend a warm thanks to all members I have interacted with during the years, first as Technical Officer (from year 2000) and later as Chairman. Special thanks, of course, to my colleagues in the Board and our Appointed Officers during these 7 years, some whom will now help the new chairman to get into the role and ensure a certain amount of continuity.
With this mail, we are providing your company with the possibility to take part in the voting procedure at the AGM. Please make sure to use this opportunity and discuss which candidates your company would like to vote for. You can do this either by sending a representative to our AGM (preferred way of course) or if you are unable to send a representative, to use our proxy (letter) voting option.
All candidates are presented on the homepage, so take a look and make up your mind which candidates you would like to represent your company in e.g. discussions with health authorities or other industry associations.
I do hope to see as many of our members as possible at this year AGM, to properly thank you for your trust and support during the past 7 years. I wish the new chairman, the board and the members success in future years and the fact that I now leave the board does not mean that I will stay completely away from BFS, so do not be surprised if I meet you from time to time in future BFS meetings.
Best personal regards,
Anders Löfgren
Chairman, BFS IOA
Agenda for BFS IOA Annual General Meeting 2007
In 2006 BFS IOA had 66 member companies and 4 companies had in addition global sponsor membership. After some years of decreasing member count, we are growing in all 3 member areas (Asia/Pacific, Europe and USA). For 2006 we obtained a positive result of EUR 21.522 (far better than budgeted) - the result was mainly obtain through generous sponsorship support from various vendors enabling us to keep our meeting costs down. Equity of BFS IOA is grown to EUR 50.990, thus our economy is once again robust and will enable us to use resources spread awareness of BFS technology and to seek influence on new guidelines with authorities. >>Get BFS IOA Accounts for 2006.
Membership fee will remain unchanged in 2007, i.e. EUR 1100 per company and member area For 2007, we believe that will be able to maintain our current member count and perhaps grow further as there are still too many BFS operators that are not member in BFS IOA. Also, we are experiencing increasing interest in global sponsor membership from new companies. However, to be on the safe side, we are budgeting with only limited income increase and higher meeting costs without taking generous sponsorship support for granted. >>Get BFS IOA Budget for 2007.
BFS IOA currently use Price Waterhouse Coopers in Næstved, Denmark located near MELITEK. Board proposes that BFS IOA continue using Price Waterhouse Coopers in Næstved, Denmark.
The board has after careful considerations chairman nominated Peter Åkerman (AstraZeneca) as candidated for new chairman. The term is 2 year. No other candidates have been nominated.
To avoid too much change in the board, the board has nominated Dr. Martin Haerer (Holopack, Germany) to continue for another 2 year term. No other candidates have been nominated.
BFS IOA board have decided to extend the board by one (1) new board position to easy the work load of the board. The intention is that the new board position will assist with the various ad-hoc work that are carried out by the board. The term general board position will be 2 year. Following candidates have been nominated for general board position (in alphabetic order - CV of the candidates can be read via the hyperlinks).
Nominated Candidates are....:
- Nandan Chandravarkar (FDC, India)
- Dan Osterby (Cardinal Health, USA)
- Tom Polsinelli (DEY L.P., USA)
- Gajanan Sathe (Fresenius Kabi, India)
- Stefan Sundström (AstraZeneca, Sweden)
Board like to get input from our members whether it could be of interest and a good idea to arrange a limited table top exhibition at the BFS IOA meetings (similar to Bangkok meeting 2006).
For member companies that are not participating at BFS IOA AGM 2007, please use voting forms and email/fax this to us prior to March 25th.
- BFS IOA Voting form AGM 2007 (pdf)
- BFS IOA Voting form AGM 2007 (words)