Minutes from Annual General Meeting (AGM) within the BFS Association
Bürgenstock, Switzerland June 13, 2001
Attendants: 74 representing 42 companies worldwide
International Officer of Operation, Svend-Axel Laursen, has received letter from International Chairman Frank Leo and European Chamber Chairman Steve Forrester-Coles, with regrets that they would not be able to attend the conference. It was suggested that Svend-Axel Laursen should chair the conference.
Svend-Axel Laursen concluded that the conference was convened in due time according to the rules and formed a quorum.
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Chairman’s report: Svend-Axel Laursen informed about the activities, which took place during year 2000, please refer to separate notes below.
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International Chairman’s report was approved by the AGM.
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Chamber reports
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Asian Chamber: Svend-Axel Laursen represented the Asian Chamber. During the past year the Asian Chamber has been arranging a successful 3-days seminar in Kathmandu, Nepal September 2000. Separate agenda has been distributed. 45 attendants represented 28 companies. Based on the success from Kathmandu, the Asian Board decided to continue the work with training seminar. Update on program will be represented at the Goa conference September 2001, please refer to separate agenda, which has been distributed to all member companies and on the homepage. The report was approved by the AGM.
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European Chamber: Global Technical Officer Anders Löfgren presented the technical work, which was performed during year 2000. Please refer to Global Technical Officer Report. Svend-Axel Laursen presented the meeting activities with the meeting in Stresa in Italy, January 2001 attended by 30 companies. Agenda has been distributed concerning this meeting.
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Western Chamber: Mary-Lou Freathy reported that there have been no activities within the Western Chamber during 2000.
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Report from the Officer of Operation
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Svend-Axel Laursen could inform that the organization was reduced by 10 member companies during the past twelve months. Divided by one company in Asia, 6 companies in Europe and 3 companies in the Western Chamber. The major part of the reduction is related to mergers and re-organizations within the industry. Asian Chamber; Fresenius Kabi took over a member company in South Africa, which terminated their BFS production. European Chamber; one agency company has resigned. AstraZeneca merger has lead to 3 separate Astra companies becoming one membership. Huntsman in Belgium closed down the European office and one member company has been excluded from the Organization due to unsettled subscription fees. Western Chamber; two member companies have resigned and one company has been excluded.
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BFS website Jesper Laursen presented the homepage live. It was concluded that the homepage fulfilled all demands, decided at the AGM in Chicago June 2000. Svend-Axel Laursen informed about board decision at board meeting June 12, 2001 that all member companies, which want to be linked up to the BFS homepage with their own homepage can do this at an annual fee of USD 500.00. The homepage was approved by the AGM.
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Financial status Reference is made to the financial report, sent to all member companies by e-mail and enclosed in the conference booklet. Profit of the year 2000 shows EUR 28,923 compared to 1999 EUR 9,347. Total funds and reserves within the BFS Association as per December 31, 2000 amount EUR 72,398 compared with 1999 EUR 43,591. Total liability EUR 75,848 compared with 1999 EUR 74,974. The AGM approved the annual accounts.
Election of auditor The AGM re-elected for 2001: Alsø & Breinholt A/S Tel.: +45 36 44 2 066 Auditor: Mr. Per Winther
Budget 2001 Please refer to the enclosed. The budget was approved without any comments.
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Meeting activities Svend-Axel Laursen presented meeting activities according to the enclosed. The following to be noted: please register soonest possible for the meeting within the Asian Chamber in Goa India September 2001 (agenda and dates have been distributed separately to all members by e-mail). Western Chamber; the new elected board expects to present an agenda and a meeting soonest possible. European Chamber; the board is arranging a meeting with EMEA in London. Steve Forrester-Coles, Norton Steripak, has expressed his company’s willingness to assist us in arranging this meeting and to host meeting facilities. Asian Chamber 2002; the BFS board has decided that the wish from the Asian Chamber to arrange the next AGM, is fully justified taking the number of members and meeting activities into consideration. Discussions have been ongoing concerning various locations, including Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, Dubai or a joint Asian Chamber / Western Chamber arrangement in Mexico. The board has decided to disregard Singapore and Tokyo due to the price level in these cities. Steve Liberty, AstraZeneca Australia, has declared his willingness to host a meeting in Sydney. Please refer to presentation of Sydney received from Steve Liberty. Regarding Mexico; we await a proposal from the Western Chamber. Based on very good experience with Asian Chamber meeting 1999 in Dubai, this location is recommendable. Facilities are of high standard, well functioning airport with connections to all parts of the world. Flying distance from New Delhi, New York, London and Frankfurt is momentarily being checked. Entertainment; excellent beach, safari by jeep in the desert, diving etc. (please keep in mind that Dubai was one of centers for pearl fishing). Excellent shopping possibilities and for the golf interested attendants, you have the biggest bunkers in the world. The board has decided to call for a vote by the BFS organization members as follows: a.) location preferred, which is the most convenient Please revert with comments soonest possible, preferably prior to the Goa meeting, where the board meeting will take place in the Asian Chamber.
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Incoming proposals No proposals were presented.
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Vote for candidate for board members 2001 – 2003 Reference is made to the agenda: Global Board Global Technical Officer Patrick Poisson informed that as a new board member and with a newly established Western Chamber, it was difficult to take the International seat. Patrick Poisson and Anders Löfgren hereinafter suggested that Anders Löfgren would continue 2001/2002 and Patrick Poisson would take over in 2002 and 2003. The AGM approved this proposal and expressed that it would be up to the two Technical Officers to find the best time to transfer the position. Officer of Operation
Asian Board Chairman E. Abdel Bary, Pharmaceutical Solution Industries Jeddah
European Board Chairman Goetz Reiner, Aventis Behring Germany
Western Board BFS Association on May 30, 2001 has received an official proposal for The Western Board is: Chairman Jeff Price, Vital Pharma USA All new board members were voted in with all votes for, none against. The new Global Chairman, Goetz Reiner, was requested to take the stand.
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Projects to be sponsored / financed by the BFS Association Anders Löfgren informed that no projects were presented at the present stage. Anders Löfgren was requesting member companies to present proposals for projects, which the Association would be able to support, taking into consideration that the finances would allow so. The AGM decided that Anders Löfgren and Patrick Poisson should make a pre-evaluation for a project and present this at the next AGM, a proposal and budget for a project to be carried on during 2002 – 2003.
Anders Löfgren presented a facsimile / letter received from Steve Forrester-Coles, please refer to separate fair copy of Steve Forrester-Coles handwritten letter.
Closing of the AGM in Bürgenstock Switzerland.
Protocol: Approved:
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Svend-Axel Laursen Anders Löfgren
Officer of Operation Global Technical Officer